When the exterior crumbles , it is the heart that matters ...
Simple blog of a Muarian
Another enjoyable view. Basically trying to keep awake due to the wind.
Ah .. wonderful view of Bangkok city by the river. Here is where the big hotels are.
One of the best looking temple i have seen beside the Chao Phraya . Can you see?
Hemm .. how the room looks like. got a special room that faces the car park. the upsdie of it is that it is easy to board my chopper since the launchpad is just 50 metres away
Lotsa beer .. betcha.
Wonderful thai performers . looked like from a TV show. The best performer is a guy with great muscles. Girls were very pretty
Naranee , Suganya and Audrey - our trip to a German beerhouse which is packed of Thais .. good food and entertainment .
Nana ... nickname for sweatheart
Used to be trader Vics ... mamak Joe
Lotsa lights. we went photo hunting since the rest went back o sleep
Hey , safe and sound. Back after the dinner. Poor fellas behind have to wait us to clear the path
Spirit come....
Dinner on the boat. notice the waiter who joined us in this photo. hilarious
Pork burger in thai McD . no fair
Cleopatra - waiting for the demure Thai girl to finish her registration. took us another 30 minutes to get it done. Hurrry
Super mural. notice the fine artwork that is blocked by me. haha
Nice lamp at the registration counter. Made out of a light under red cloth and a black sheen.
Super welcome kit
Arrival . a 2 hour trip plus 40 minutes from Donng Muang to the hotel. Paid Baht 800 - found out later that it only costs Baht 200-300 JOe