We respect your religion.. shucks

Insulting an EGG? UMNO, how low can you get?

The division’s deputy head Alawi Dahalin and several other members lodged the report at the Brickfields police station.
Alawi said he had heard Kok complain about the food she was given while detained under the ISA, at a press conference at the DAP headquarters in Petaling Jaya, shown on the night news on TV on Sept 20, a day after she was released from custody.
He said Kok had said the food she was served was "fit only for dogs". ( She actually said that the food is better slightly better than for the dogs, but who cares if the play of word is more important)
"By saying this, she had insulted the police and the poor. Eggs are an important food for low-income earners and the poor. As an elected representative of the people she should not have said that," he said.
Free ISA detainee!

To support RPK ( and others )
Send your Raya/ Christmas / Deepavali / old cards / love letters to
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin ( or Hindraff 5 etc.)
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
Taiping.Perak, Malaysia.
What the BN assemblyman can do in Taiwan.
Can even putus cinta on sidewalk.

And undress in public to do the shooting.
Top 5: Shapoo ...
The rights of the aborigines.
The morning started with a slew of policeman at Central Market.


One week ago, I got a reply back from her as I gave her a a link of unsrupulous article that is coming out from UMNO ground roots. From an awefully busy lady and MP, that was what I termed as "personal attention". Then, her name was involved in the "azan" scheme, clearly syndicated as she was a Chinese and *gasp* a Catholic/ Christian. Below is a good research on what actually transpired. For me after reading this, It is more evident that she does not deserved to be ISAed. We prayed for her in our church yesterday , and for all who are unlawfully detained under ISA. Tan Hoon Cheng has been released quickly and she shares her experience. When I look at both their old parents crying, I feel very sad of this inhumane law that is open for misused.
How it started ? During that time only residents in Bandar Kinrara, YB Datuk Satim Diman know about this matter. The petition letter. It started back in February 2008, Petition signed by 189 residents.1 ) The petition, signed by 189 residents, was handed over to Serdang state assembly person Datuk Mohamad Satim Diman from Umno in February (before election) and another copy given to the mosque authorities. Masjid Bandar Kinrara.
(Read more from the source: MalaysiaShares)
Invitation to Walk with the Indigenous People

On Nov. 7, 2007, less than two months after the UN adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples, Bolivia became the first country in the world to adopt the declaration as law when Morales announced the passage of National Law 3760, or the Rights of Indigenous peoples, legislation that is an exact copy of the UN declaration. The Peru congress has repealed two legislative declarations that were in conflict with the rights contained in the DRIP.
In Malaysia, our struggles for recognition of land rights continue. Nonrecognition and uncertainty over our land contributes to our continuing poverty and inability to develop our lands. The government’s development policies are making decisions for our future without our free, prior and informed consent. Though our situations may differ in each state, we are united in our common struggle for recognition of our land, our rights and our identity.
So, for the first time, we as indigenous peoples are gathering together to present to the Supreme Authority of Malaysia, DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agung, a memorandum to urge the government to locally implement the DRIP and recognise our rights to land and to control, develop, and protect it for the benefit of our community and this nation.
On behalf of JOAS, we would like to invite our fellow indigenous peoples — Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia, Anak Negeri of Sabah and Dayaks and Orang Ulu of Sarawak to come with us on our walk to the Royal Palace. We also invite friends and supporters from civil society, environmental and human rights advocates and those who believe that our place as indigenous peoples within Malaysia needs to be recognised and reaffirmed by the Government and authorities to come with us on a Saturday morning walk and observe this historic event.
We will be gathering at Central Market on 13 September, Saturday and start walking toward the Royal Palace by 10am. For more information, please contact http://us.mc527.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=joasmalaysia@gmail.com, http://us.mc527.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=seanrubis@hotmail.com or call Sean at 0128837937
Malaysia, member of parliament goes to Taiwan to study about agricultural technology
-> Useful to debate budget
-> Agriculture is important
-> MPs are the more effective medium to the farmers.
-> MPs need to have adequate knowledge to suggest improvements ( like there is no Mardi, FAMA etc. to learn from)
Bla bla bla..

Introducing; The Kayans and Penans
Start of with the games! I can give instruction in English, means that the kids are educated well .. or they are trying their best in limited resources.
100 over kids attended the camp.
It is amazing that the kids went back to take their lunch and proceeded to finish up their homework with gusto. So much dedication ( kiasuness.. hahah ) but showed their discipline. Very impressed.
And we taught the teachers how to be creative in attracting their students in the classes.
She is 4 years old. Another crooner in the future. She only spoke Kayan language.
Steve is only 4, and doing solo to a song.. in front of 200 people. Wow!
After another solid lunch, we were sent off by a percentage of the villagers. I do miss them.
At another village, we were treated to 'on-the-spot' coconut juice.
Could have done with a better focus. Anyway, I was adopted with the name of Agan Yusop. Agan is a Kelabit name for 'sound of prayer". Mrs Yusop in the middle, and Caroline, Cecilia and Clinton.
Tattoo "kafir" on Non Muslims.- ref Malaysiakini
"The reality nowadays is that Christians and other Kaffirs tend to zoom in and focus on the screwups by a few Muslims and then lay claim to saying that Islam is bad." - We respect the religion , but fear the worshipers and people in authority who misuse their power. And thanks for calling us Kafirs , all the time.

"The Christians know about it but refuse to accept the truth that the Gospel of Barnabas contains." - Church leaders and theologians have dismissed this book (wiki) and countless others, and not even part of Christian literature. Some Muslims took advantage (this website set up to propogate the views) since this 'gospel' suggest the link betwen Christianity and Islam. Here is the article from Muslim.net where it was summarized :-
"Imagine you were a Muslim who was told that someone found a lost "book" from God. Among other things, this "Sura" mentioned that Mohammed sailed on a boat to Mecca, and this Sura contradicted the teaching of the Bible and contradicted the Qur’an on ten points. The oldest manuscript of the alleged Sura was written in Italian, which is both not a Mideastern language and did not even exist in the time of Mohammed. Finally, this supposed Sura had some historical customs, which did not occur until 1,000 years later in Europe.
It is safe to say a Muslims would probably have a few questions, to say the least. Before you embrace this medieval forgery as an authentic work that shows the "real" teachings of Jesus, remember that this work contradicts the Qur’an, too."
Italian text, where wines are made in casts like old world wines and not in jars like in Middle East. (Photo)
Islamic scholars have done more studies on this book and now Christian scholars are taking a look. Both side agreed that it is a fabrication from medieval times, years after Jesus or Mohammad. If only the writer reads more than to parrot half truths.
GRAND FINALE(Drum rolls please )
"I for one am doing what I can within my means to clear the air about Islam and in my own way share what I have come to learn about Islam and what it really is? "- I am honestly confused if your 'good' intent of daawah ( conversion) persuaded me. I am not perfect and I do not like hypocrites. I prefer be repeatedly called a kafir. If i become a muslim, I am not a Muslim but mualaf (convert). Mualaf sounds like a bread, i prefer kafir which sounds like coffee or lime. Thanks, but no thanks.
New Life Care Centre, Port Dickson
Uncle Pok Kuang being fatherly and all.
I got a bigger mouth than you!
Auntie Ai Li giving some cash donation to Paul, the caretaker. The Finance team has single handedly organised this personal initiative showing that they are not only about counting monies. :)
Look behind the 2 girls: That is why i called Ai Li an auntie. haha. These 2 girls are the shyiest ever as i wasted shots after shots for them. Good thing now we use digital cameras.
That is how I have great teeths like this! Anyway, my appreciation to all donors and lets continue to seek ways to spread goodwill and help to the needy.
If you feel rich or a tai tai who has nothing to do, or just like any ordinary man and woman .. you can bring a smile to others. Here is the contact.
Telephone: 066472344 / nlccpdns@yahoo.com
About Me
- amoker
- Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- I am mysterious ... and leave la some comments if my writting make sense. Proud Of Malaysia and disillusioned by the direction.