Anyway, many thanks to God for a great 30 ( to be).
1. Love ones are around still , minus Great grandma and Grandpa. And parents are still healthy. Sister getting married .. so that is a good thing. ha. And have 2 year once vacation with them.
2. Able to contribute stuff of my dreams - in young adults, youth, in social works, in organisation, in work.
3. Good friends that is still around from primary school till now. and many more ...
4. Climbed mount Kinabalu last year.
5. Got to be a manager at 28 years old in a foreign multinational .
6. Car got, condo got, credit card got, Christ got. Got got la.

The only roses among thorn. :)
Anyway, to celebrate She Ai, Ai Leng, Chee Chin and May Peng's birthday at La Bodega in Bangsar. Was late as usual coming up from PD and it was fun. And had my fav. Hoegarden beer. Then adjourned to Alexis upstairs. We had tiramisu and some carrot cake. Carrot cake is much better.

This carrot cake is pretty good.

Ai Leng ( TV3 Presenter), Chee Chin (high career woman) & Yeen Li ( highly paid business analyst)

May Peng looking engaged, and Chi Ern from Korea