(2 All Souls Pl, London, W1B 3DA, United Kingdom - 020 75803522)
New songs to try : Come praise the name of Jesus ( Christopher Idle)
Jesus draw me ever nearer ( Margaret Becker & Keith Getty)
Jesus Christ you came into this world to rescue me ( Noel Richards @ Thankyou Music)
Met Sarah who hails from Vancouver, finished her postgraduate in Toronto and working in the social service line. I do observe a lot of postgraduates around.
A day in Colhester
I also have a good time to catch up on the reality of the social fabric in United Kingdom. While it is invisible in London, the mood in the smaller towns are more visible. The story of single mothers who are immensely young ( from 16 years old above) to be able to obtain welfare houses is a shocker. They create subsequent challenges where the children does not get supportive parenting, resulting in children that seemingly with issues and anger. I saw a young mother pushing a pram and smoking. I saw groups of children lepaking in the evening with typical 'gangster' based behaviour of intimidation. Thirdly, the single parents tries to find different partners. The culture of staying together without official marriage legitimacy creates another set of issues & more breakdown of the family institution. Families where the parents choses to stay together when able and where the siblings maybe from different relationships. It is all too confusing for an adult like me, and I emphatize with the childrens who tries to make sense of their life.