The Eagles Leadership conference it an avenue to train softskills of lay and pastoral leaders in different functions. It is a 2 year once conference with speakers from the west and the region. I just like to note 2 great speakers that touches me.
CK Thong is working in a country that combines both education and teaching. He presented a well respected economist who recently believed in Christ. The funny thing is that they country sent him to US to learn about market economy. He was inpired by how Godly people there lived and seek more about Christianity. So, he engaged church leaders in the afternoon and studied at night during his time there to find evidences that Christianity is wrong , the whole 3 months he was there. At the end, he found out that it has got to be correct, fundamentally from his study on the accuracy of the projection/ prophecies. " The best economist can project up to 10 years but the bible has been correct at all instances. It has got to be true."

Secondly , Joni Ereckson who is a paralyptic but has relied on God for " when you are weak, God makes u strong". Amazing women who went through all adversity and hardship. Encourages me about how i view pain and suffering. And with our unperfection, it makes sense for us to look to God for our source of strength and a worldview that many other people have an even more difficult life. How thankful we should be when we can do 'normal' things easily and still give up.
Lastly, a key coin phrase i pick up. Love Man, Use things.