Day 6
Went to this church at Boxhill for an ‘early’ service at 9.30 am. Another big church with atmosphere. Had cracker and grape juice for communion. Then notice that my aunt and her husband at the pew behind me. Coincidence? Her husband works as the pas
tor for this church. Also met a few people from FGA KL and SIB KL.
Up the Dangdenong mountain we go. Check out the photos…

And we had …. Pancake flips for breakfast. Super full. And the best natural orange juice I had. There are various types of pancakes but we settled for the peach, sour cherry and banana ones. We were amazed at an Aussie couple who ordered a main each , had a huge mango lassi and ordered a plate of pancake to share. We can’t stomach that!! Hehe

There is also this “Pie in the sky” which Colin really wants. ….
Next, the wineries of Yarra Valley. Here is the summary.
Biachet – here is where the Vardosa variety comes. Only 3 wineries in Australia has this. An Italian influenced small winery with good looking restaurant. –Rate : 4 grapes.
Yarra Track - did not try as it look very expensive.
Dominique Chandon – THE place to go. It has lush green grass , fully landscaped. And it offers tours for free. It also have a huge exhibition centre where it showcases its champagne making process. And the store offers a lot of variety of wines/ drinks in different combination. We also sat down and had 3 different types of champagnes – The cuvee 2004, the 1996 classic and the slightly sweeter version. All at $9.00 a glass. Oh yeah, I have to be so stupid to ask the waitress to change one of the cup as it got scratches at the bottom.

Had a typical Aussie BBQ at the Seow’s , courtesy of Auntie Margaret , Roger and his wife Denise. It was an elegant house with big garden. And things do grow in this garden. We even had a huge zucchini sliced up for the BBQ. The food was soooo good that we over ate ..again. And auntie cooks the best Penang dishes , which makes me miss home at that juncture.
After dinner , we spend some time at the K-mart and then on Nintendo Wii. I think it is a fun gaming device that the family can join in. Must admit that I loose to auntie playing bowling.. sob sob…. And tennis to Roger…. Sob sob….
Day 7
It was the best sleep that I had for some time. In fact, did not get to say good bye to Roger and Denise. Had my breakfast of milk and flakes. Then my auntie come to pick me up. Had another breakfast with shake and toast at McD. Yep, they have pastries in McD Australia. Too bad no pork.
Went to visit their son who is working at the “Rebel Sports” shop. Oh my , how he has grown. Nice looking chap with good personality for a youth. I guess uncle Joe is right that it is important for parents to trickle down teachings to their children. And I got an beautiful Aussie Rules football as a gift. Hope to use it soon.
Went to Springvale ( Ching vale – too many Asians here too ) to have the Vietnamese beef noodle. Again, I was ordered a large bowl. My Asian stomach nearly exploded again. The soup is very sweet and the beef is super tender. Go Aussie cows..

Caught a train to the city. Both Charlene and I are new to the city , though she has been in the town once before. We finally figured out the tram system. Took a free one ( yep , we figured that free is good ) that brought us around tourist spots. First stop – Melbourne Aquarium. It looked bigger in the photos and just too expensive. Went to the game convention place and turned out to be Crown casino. Oh ya, saw the biggest crab in my life yet… yumm…….. but no money.
Charlene: Tickle tickle
The sad truth is that the next two stops are devastating. QV is closed on Monday and so is the ice cream shop. But managed to lunge ourselves to Koko Black for some fabulous chocolate consolation.
And dinner at Glenn china food. Had my first taste of Croc meat ... and i guess the same with Colin and Charlene. Look at their face.

Day 8
Lets see what I did ...

Queen Victoria Market in the morning; Prayed that it did rain and it did not. phew; American Donut as reckommended by Irene; Ah Wen with her jam tart and mocha;Another sign of the variety of animals in Australia ( smack ) ; cherries are $2 a 100g.
More food at Lygon Street
First things first, Durian gelati at Il Dolce Freedo in Lygon Street. Favourite among Malaysians and must admit that this tastes good. Made by gwai loh.

And then , the climax of eating. The national symbol of Australia. Kangaroo steak with special source with pepper at Il Gusto.
Had a visit to Melbourne University to remember my ex ex boss from Loreal. Speaking of Loreal, they have a Loreal Fashion show at the same time.
"Stalactites @ corner of Swanston and Lonsdale Street. 24 hrs restaurant offering Greek food. This is seriously super good. Get the mixed plate so u can try everything". Was joined by Johnathan , Colin and Charlene. And it is extremely cold outside at 18 degrees....

Ah , what an enjoyable trip Melbourne was. A truly cosmopolitan city with loads of things to do , eat and see.