"Are you giving me my reserved seat?" I asked.
"No, i will not give you your reserved seat. " , the check in man said to the shock of his colleague. "But i will give you a first class seat instead" he smiled and continued.
And I have a Pass to the lounge..
first , i have to find it. :)
Kampung boy..

It was quite a treat coming up to a zen like designed lounge in KLIA. And to add to the surprises , i met my old boss from Loreal who was flying to Singapore. We had a warm shake and small chat before he rushes off.
And did i forget to mention haagen Daaz buffet?

Anyway,as good things come in threes .. i wondered what is next. Perhaps the last 'goodies' is that the plane got resheduled to 11.55 am timing. I just wasted 2 hours here. But hey , there is still the champange...