The Aussie-run Roo Bar on Pattaya's Walking Street is doing its bit for the world and showing the ultimate respect to Islam. Truth be told, most bars should have such signs, which demonstrate a clear respect for the Islamic religion. Looking at some the grizzled truckies sitting around Roo bar, I don't doubt the message is rigidly enforced. The problem is, the moron who erected this sign mistook all Arabs for being Islamic, which they are not. There *are* Christian Arabs for example.
You know, that's more to discrimination and disrespect than respect towards Muslim and their beliefs. Who in the right mind would possibly labeled all Arabians as Muslim? As far as I'm concern, not all Arabs are Muslim and vice versa. That applies to other ethnics too. To say that everyone who is dark skin is a Muslim, would be stereotyping.
Tareq Aziz (spelling?) the ex PM of Iraq under Saddam was a Christian.
In the world's largest Muslim nation -Indonesia, everyone is free to practice any (orthodox) religion.
Megawati Sukarnoputri, the daughter of Sukarno is a Hindu. Only in Bolehland, any Malay is a compulsory Muslim, not to mention the spouse that are reluctantly inducted and converted to Islam.
Wow, amoker, you really live up to your brand -Journeyman. I saw the youtube video at your sidebar on your India visit. Quite beautiful your gf, I mean the one with a green tank-top?? U r in a church mission?
oh my goodness!hey journeyman..do u need an extra assistant during ur journey ?hahaha
Guys, i have not been to Phuket la... Will prob make a trip there someday to find out.
I found this on a web hunt and found it so funny that i tot of sharing it. cracks me up.
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