Shahrul and Chan sharing a moment. Both have turned 18 and we celebrated their birthday in between both their birthdays. This is me egging them to blow the invisible fire.
And Catherine, my intern followed me yesterday and she did well in sharing the book in Mandarin. She obviously did much better than I could. It is also fun sharing and teaching in Bahasa to two pribumis and and Indian who speaks fluent Malay. And yes, we used the word "Allah"! as it is in the bible and used by local pribumis for long time. Too bad this is the last session with the kids. They are nice chaps, in fact i have met all types of people just by being there. If you are near one of the camp, do think to volunteer yourself and be part of someone's life.
It has been a challenge speaking in 3 languages and still maintained sanity in my talk. My hope is that all will know God more and to grow in Him. Till we meet again , one day.