Why is the girl strutting herself like that? hehe. Handcraft stones of 9 metre or something, i overheard.
Amazing detail on the garden chalet.
Chinese seemed to have affection for old trees. I remember bringing a communist party secretary to Malacca and he kept wanting to take picture with old trees. These couple examplifies that.
Peony in spring. Lie down on my back on the bench in the zoo.. like the rest of the population who lazed around in gardens and on grass. The wind added fizz to the whole feeling.

The carnivor section full of children making a racket. Left and right are the cages and the condition is not the greatest. The king

Inching closer as their daughter asked them to stand together. Rather cute moment as the adjusted their closeness.

Ah.. loads of people in Forbidden city.. and so huge...

Emperor - everybody wants to be one .. esp if one have 9000 concubine.

Emperor - everybody wants to be one .. esp if one have 9000 concubine.
Now i understand why ancient chinese royalty likes to sit by the pond and enjoy the scenary. wonderful stuff.

Another tranquil moment with family members.

The door to the zoo is rather huge and nice. The best pic out of many tries.

The door to the zoo is rather huge and nice. The best pic out of many tries.
The similarity of both place? Keeping precious things in and other things out. :)