So, i finally made it. The 30th Benchmark that i tot will not reach at all. And for the first time, a birthday celebration without friends or loved ones physically nearby. How i miss these little things.
Anyway, let me summarize what happened today -

What does the member do? Relax?
11:55 - still typing and working on laptop. did not realised "THE" time till 12.05 am. I guess that sums out how 30s creep up on me.
Ah , but did felt much better during dinner to know that I am the last second youngest person. Met with Chris and Yeelu prior to that and a bunch of girls ( Yeen Li, Siow Lee, She Ai, Chee Chin, May Peng and surprisingly Yin Han). It was fun knowing that they have charted the 30s path earlier than me. haha. Ai Leng , wish u are around to add to the club. haho.

The gang at Starbucks. Got my cake and got fed some more.The mysterious person's hand does look manyly in this photo.
12.30 - Iskandar, Raju and myself are the latest to board the plane but not much stares from those in business class. Would imagine the glare if in economy. I think I managed to persuade the steward/dess that i am a hard to please person with all the personal requests. Had my Tawny Port and a new Sauvignion Semillon uncorked. And the delicious teh tarik.
0615- first glimpse of Beijing airport .. and the sulfur smelled air. And we waited for our bags not knowing that they have been lifted down from the conveyer. Had to tell the Petronas delegation as they were still waiting way after we found the discrepancy.
Super rooms in Traders Hotel. Chic and modern, with full spec. Kudos to Mr Kuok. Even the power plug is compatible with Commonweath plugs.
0940 - Got our rooms at last. We enjoyed walking down the road against the traffic flow of human and bikes.

And cut myself with glass fragments that are not totally cleaned.
1030 - slept .. i think. Oh, quite a few calls.
1430 - out to get some food. We end up in Mc D and i got this steak burger. turn out to be the lousier half of Big Mac. Dun trust the marketting photos.

Lousy stuff and expensive.
1500 - walking down the Jianguaman to find Wan Fiu Jiang Street.
1530 -still walking..
1600 - and... WE are there finally. It looked very big and full of people.

Super huge
1630- Found it finally!! Huge . Talked to the Beijing Olypmic Mascot to inquire if there are any real merchandize around. She seemed happy to take photoes only. Anyway, the place is huge with lots of visitors, overwhelmingly Koreans..

Supposed to say " Business as usual inside".

Scorpion eating time!! And the oyster with garlic. Verdic: Scorpion tastes better.

And here, is another milestone of " 1 country, 1 weird food". This time, it is scorpions. They tasted very crunchy and salty. As i had my first bite, a gwailo shrieked in horror. The husband even took a picture of me while proclaiming his shock. I finish the other 2. Oh, there are snakes, starfish, seahorses, seacows ( i really dun know what it is ) , bugs and others ... which does give up a pretty nasty smell.

Where the food are displayed and sold.
1824 - Found the salon that is affordable and uses Loreal products. RMB300 just for cut and dye. Well, if i have more time...
1840 - Decided to have dinner at the muslim restaurant. Bad choice as the food is very .. un appetizing. Would not go to that place again.
I was dead tired at the end of the long day. Well, my last hour of twenties are quite relaxing in the room. Guess i just slept the youthfulness away, along hopefully comes wisdom. Yet, I thank God for his providence and giving me a life till this age.