Gubra , another contemporary film by Yasmin Ahmad left me with a few more aftertots. Another excellent movie , this time a bit more bites yet intersperesed with more laughter moments. I like how she tackles a few issues that are normally swept under the carpet. For the full story , just check out her blog here.
Favourite statement on racial diversity : "It is like you love someone yet they did not love you back."
Favourite moments : The iman touching a dog in the middle of the road. The group of revellers sitting behind me were voicing out their disgust.
Favourite actor : The chinese man on the hospital bed. He is sooo good that he irritates.
Favourite actress : Sharifah Amani , of course.
Issues that is of great concern :
1) AIDS pandemic in Malaysia - we have now over 60K people suffering from this disease. remember that it was about 26K few year ago when i was involved.
2) Prostitution in small towns - the socio-challenges of small towns.
3) Infidelity - should a man keep the wandering eyes focussed even if he has 3 more choices.
4) Fidelity - how a woman kept on with an ingrate & unfaithful man ( though she pushed him down the staircase in the first place )
5) Rich in money vs Richness in virtue - which would you opt for?
6) The patience of Islam outreach is tremendous.
Met a fellow blogger this morning. Good to meet face to face with fellow custodions of free thoughts.
Have u interviewed a Ms Malaysia before ?

Hello , great day to interview a celebrity . Never in my previous job's life that I would have the comfort of interviewing a real beauty. Ok , perhaps MEETING a real beauty is a zit possibility itself. Engineers everywhere lah!!
But , another dream comes true when meet up with Wong Sze Zen today . She is Ms Malaysia 2003. She is a beauty with humilty . A person who articulates well yet able to show her caring nature in her. Well , am impressed with her .
Maybe one day i will have a galery of pictures like this "Malaysian Kenny G" , who has Ms Wong in his portfolio as well.
Actually know another Ms Malaysia as well , real friend .. from MUAR !! - Year 2001 . Sasha Tan as per picture below . Wonder who won 2002?
My ideal Job
When I was younger , I have my ambition to be a professional. Study hard , my dad used to say. After 8 years of working my heart out, I realized thru the unfolding of events in the last weeks that my new ideal job is actually with the local government authority. What have I been thinking all this time?!?!?
P.s . if u have no idea what is a local government authority , it is like MPPJ , MPS , DBKL , MPK , McD etc. hehe
Top 10 Reasons why I want to be in Local Government Authority
10) Be an “Abrahamovic“ in owning your own football club and spending RM15 million of public money a year maintaining it.
9) Cannot be sued for improper planning or authorization even if it causes death.
8) Have fun at even lower level job by raiding illegal VCD sellers or snooping in parks.
7) More job benefits as they are talking of providing the raiding parties with gun.
6) Ability to change the landscape of a normal looking junction with many + many+ many.. traffic lights , then bulldozed everything down on year later to build a roundabout.
5) Federal court says that we can make our own rules to be moral/vice policemen yet ok to leave all the other rubbishes uncollected. First things first mah.
4) Anybody seen our P&L statement?
3) Visit Mauritious to learn about their ‘advanced urban planning system’.
2) RM2,000 meeting shirt for councillors each and even a “Cokmah” for the boss.
1) Can go to Steven corner for tea break .. and more..
P.s . if u have no idea what is a local government authority , it is like MPPJ , MPS , DBKL , MPK , McD etc. hehe
Top 10 Reasons why I want to be in Local Government Authority
10) Be an “Abrahamovic“ in owning your own football club and spending RM15 million of public money a year maintaining it.
9) Cannot be sued for improper planning or authorization even if it causes death.
8) Have fun at even lower level job by raiding illegal VCD sellers or snooping in parks.
7) More job benefits as they are talking of providing the raiding parties with gun.
6) Ability to change the landscape of a normal looking junction with many + many+ many.. traffic lights , then bulldozed everything down on year later to build a roundabout.
5) Federal court says that we can make our own rules to be moral/vice policemen yet ok to leave all the other rubbishes uncollected. First things first mah.
4) Anybody seen our P&L statement?
3) Visit Mauritious to learn about their ‘advanced urban planning system’.
2) RM2,000 meeting shirt for councillors each and even a “Cokmah” for the boss.
1) Can go to Steven corner for tea break .. and more..
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About Me
- amoker
- Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- I am mysterious ... and leave la some comments if my writting make sense. Proud Of Malaysia and disillusioned by the direction.