Cheras saga continues - toll operator vows to rebuild wall
May 26, 08 6:37pm
Toll operator Grand Saga has today vowed to rebuild the concrete barricade to block a toll-free access road to the Cheras-Kajang Highway in Bandar Mahkota Cheras (BMC).
Notice is hereby given that the company will be constructing the barricade this week,” said Grand Saga’s executive director Zainal Abidin Ali in a terse press statement.Zainal Abidin, who is former Dang Wangi police chief, said that Grand Saga had constructed the barricade in 2005 “to prevent unlawful access” to the highway through the access road from BMC.
In April 21, the original barricade was demolished by the outraged residents with the help from BMC developer Narajaya.However, an attempt to rebuild the three-feet high wall by Grand Saga - for the third time - on the night of May 8 was abandoned after volleys of tear gas were fired at an angry crowd.Residents have accused the riot police of siding with Grand Saga in the dispute. Four days later, the residents failed to get the High Court to restrain the toll operator from re-erecting the barricade.Zainal Abidin (right) said the court, in throwing out the injunction, had noted that Grand Saga has the right to build a barricade “within its indisputable concession area”.“Members of the public are advised to respect the decision of the court,” he warned.The new Selangor government has however argued the area where the barricade was built on was part of state land and questioned Grand Saga’s right in erecting the barrier.
'My message to the police is - UMNO, and their toll operator and fellow corporate friends, do not pay your salaries'. In my former post, the writer wants to know why our police acted without restraint against the residences. What is the motivation that the Royal Malaysian police were seemed defending corporate interests than rights of citizens.
If the executive director of the said company was a former police chief, would that be a satisfactory explaination? In business world, it could fall into a RPT ( related party transaction).
I want to cry.....

2 sad news today that should be read next to each other. And mind you, these are taken from international news agency.
1.School uniform sexy, says group
KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian group condemned the uniform worn by girls at government schools, saying it encouraged rape and pre-marital sex.
“The white blouse is too transparent for girls and it becomes a source of attraction,” National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia vice-president Munirah Bahari said in a statement.
“It becomes a distraction to men, who are drawn to it, whether or not they like looking at it,” she said, calling for a review of uniform policy so that it did not violate Islamic ideals.
In multicultural Malaysia, home to majority-Muslim Malays as well as ethnic Chinese and Indians, female students at government schools have a choice of wearing a white blouse with a knee-length skirt or pinafore.
They may also wear a “baju kurung” and a headscarf is optional for Malay students.
Munirah said that “covering up” according to Islamic precepts was important to fend off social ills, including “rape, sexual harassment and even premarital sex.”
“This leads to babies born out of wedlock and, to an extent, even prostitution,” she said.
“Decent clothes which are not revealing can prevent and protect women from any untoward situations,” she said, suggesting that girls wear a blouse of a different colour or with an undergarment.
However, the girls themselves also came in for criticism, with the association saying that some used the white blouse to lure men.
“This is the source of the problem, where we can see that schoolgirls themselves are capable of using this to attract men to them,” Munirah said.
“This could see them getting molested, having premarital sex and all sorts of things.” – AFP
2.M'sian tourism rep in Taipei nabbed for molesting womanTAIPEI (May 22, 2008):
A Malaysian tourism promotion representative was arrested for sexually molesting a female shop assistant.
Ahmad Junaidy Yahya, deputy director of the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board's representative office in Taiwan, was detained Tuesday (May 20) evening at the Asia World Shopping Mall in Taipei, the Liberty Times reported today.
Smelling of alcohol after attending a dinner party, Junaidy went to the Asia World Shopping Mall and tried to chat up a shop assistant. He groped the woman's back and private parts.
When the alleged victim screamed, Junaidy tried to flee but was stopped by shopping mall security guards.
Police took Junaidy to the police station for questioning, according to the Liberty Times. He was released yesterday morning after he apologised to the victim and asked for a private settlement.
The victim agreed to Junaidy's release but reserved the right to press charges of sexual harassment.
Junaidy, an employee of the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB), was dispatched in 2005 to Taipei. He is currently deputy director of the MTPB's representative office in Taipei, which is in charge of promoting Malaysia to Taiwan tourists.
Janice Lai Seh-chen, director of Taiwan Tourism Bureau, said the incident was Junaidy's personal matter and would not affect tourism ties between Taiwan and Malaysia, the Liberty Times reported. - dpa
In summary, i think both are sicko. One thinks that men cannot control their lust when they meet underage schoolgirls in their uniforms. We think that this Junirah ( not sure the gender identity) watch waaaaaaay too much of those Japanese schoolgirls porn and think it is real. Also, women & specifically their dressing is NOT the reason if they are raped or molested. It is classical conditioning and if you are conditioned to be lusty when you see bits of flesh, that is the trigger. And this Junaidi director chap ( both names start with Ju) confirms this premise.
I wonder what is our Tourism's Minister's ( Azalina Othman's) response? How personal can he be when he represent our Malaysia and paid by my tax money to drink and grope?
How do you spend RM500 K in 60 days?
I can't even have 1/4 of the amount in my EPF after slogging in work for 10 years. These suckers can get money within days.
Police Brutality at Bandar Mahkota Cheras

Please watch this clip --
When hunger strikes
Find her sitting beside the street near the UMNO/BN Service Centre ( who unfortunately lost in the last General Election)
I met with another elderly gentlemen who spoke no English or Malay at the Port Dickson Bus terminal. Am glad that the youth beside him translated for me. " Suppadu?" I asked and he took the box of rice. If the youth is not his kindship, I am honoured that he stuck around to this elderly gentlemen. The third gentlemen was collecting cardboards and was hostile when I pass him the food box. After speaking in dialet, he seemed to be convinced after looking at the pack of food.
I am not hungry any more but satisfied that the gesture was small yet appreciated and the food was not a waste. I do understand the parable of banquet. As i reflect, it is true that you will not find until you know what to look. And now that I find that there are people whom we can help in our doorsteps, what is our response? For one, as simple as packing up food that we can't finish consuming, drive out of your normal radius and start looking. I think it is doable especially at my work area. We have a lot of food in our functions normally. That is why I am so fat nowadays.
But it did not stop me from chowing this down :)
Indellible Ink Fiasco

Big news that goes unnoticed.
No Evidence Ink was bought in
This is because not one witness has ever seen the ink. From their testimony, no individual, syndicate or certain parties have been identified to be involved in such activities. ( I tot the 3 jokers said that they have the evidences from the investigaion prior to the election?)
“The statements made by the complainant and the witnesses were thus rumours and no individual has been positively identified or known to be involved.( What about the 2 guys who made the police report? Are they unknown too?)
“The investigation papers have been referred to the deputy prosecutor’s office on March 14. On March 31, the case was classified as ‘no further action’,” he said..(Why no further action? Doesn't deputy prosecuter reports to AG who is one of the joker that is so convinced?)
So, people lodges police report ( UMNO Kaki) that turn out to be false. What do the police do? Logically, arrest them for causing disrepute. Can these few chaps chip in money to pay the RM1 million plus that taxpayers spent on that? This is double standard and a wrong decision from AG, RAT shit and even the Police inspector. No wonder my friend is pissed.
"Today has been the saddest day after March 8, 2008 General Election.NOT only Raja Petra is jailed for sedition, the people is, again, insulted by BN with the indelible ink decision!Remember when the EC Chairman, Rashit, made the announcement together with Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan and EC secretary Datuk Kamaruzaman Mohd Noor, stating the reason to scrap the use of indelible ink in the GE??? Quote and unquote Rashit: "Results of investigations on the reports made to the police CONFIRMED that certain irresponsible quarters had bought the ink from abroad." (Source HERE)
HOWEVER, the Election Commission's (EC) controversial decision to cancel the use of the indelible ink four days before the March 8 polls was based on hearsay evidence, the Dewan Rakyat was told today. (read attached pdf).Before election, you had CONFIRMED evidence; after election, you do NOT have evidence AT ALL?!?!?!!!!THIS IS BULLSHxT!!! "
Always, Edmund
Malay "NGO"s again ...
Last week, took great pain to share this with the national service people and during the sharing session with fellow young adults. If Malaysia is to fulfil is unique position using her diversity strength, the race elitist notions should be secondary to more rational agendas. We are NOT Nazis, nor apartheids.
But another group of people continue to do so. And seemd that they are inspired by the UMNO paymasters. The joke on cyberspace is that the new 4 letter word for racist - U-M-N-O.
I just love this response from Chanatak and would like to quote his response.
the Malay groups passed a slew of resolutions ....
Challenging any amendment to the Constitution and judicial system aimed at weakening the sovereignty and position of the Malays. ...
• Demanding tight control on the building of places of worship for other religions according to size of the community and the location.....
• Rejecting any move to bring multilingualism in schools. .....
• Rejecting the use of English in all tertiary institutions. .....
• Demanding that Mathematics and Science be taught in Malay. ....
• Rejecting the notion of multiculturalism.
Just look at the stupidity and irrelevance of the above to what is called Malay rights.
The so-called academicians (???? ) cannot even understand the concept of rights. They are calling for domination as if it is a right to dominate. They reject an international business language purely out of bigotted thinking, not realising that the lack of command of the language has put the nation backwards competitively speaking, and while the majority of these idiots wallow in their bigotted pride in the "limited use" Malay language, the UMNO political leaders continue to send their children overseas to learn English.
Wake up. Even China is turning to English as a second language! Domination is not a right.
And what Malay rights have the people asked to be taken away?
1) We have not asked for the malay sultanate to be abolished
2) We have not asked for malays not to be given government jobs
3) We have not asked the malays to stop building mosques
4) We have not asked for the malays to stop praying loudly
5) We have not asked for the malay language to be abolished
6) We have not asked for the malays to be banned from receiving scholarships
7) We have not asked for the malays to be disallowed from voting in elections We have not asked for the malays to stop receiving government contracts 9
) We have not asked for the malays to give up their right to reserved land
10) We have not asked for the malays ( I think he meant being malays)
All we have asked for is that the nation move forward tapping on the talents of the capable. Stop abusing the system and resources of the nation. Use these properly to build the nation and the nation's human resource. Stop wasting the money on people who are not going to use the privilege beneficially for the nation. See how many of the government sponsored students are NOT PAYING BACK their loans! See how many VVIP's and multimillionaire's children are enjoying scholarships, when these children already can have RM2000 a month as pocket money. See how many new built government buildings have collapsed soon after being handed over due to our "close one eye" culture. Go build mosques by all means. But don't stop others from building their places of worship. They use their own private collections to fund their places of worship. Mosques are built with public money to do so. Isn't that enough? What kind mentality are these Malay academicians showing? Are we not seeing the damage already done to the development of Malay talents, their ability to think intelligently simply by looking the reasoning capability of this group of so-called academicians and leaders? Do we not hear you correctly that you are rejecting multiculturalism - i.e. you are pressing for apartheid policies? Woe to the Malay race by the hands of their own. What a sick mind has developed. God save the Malays from these fools.
For the good of the country, manage the country better if you are the priveledged folk. The Malay rights are protected by the constitution and nobody is asking for its removal. Do understand that while you are harping at the good old days, the world still revolves and moves ahead. Do accept the change as a challenge to prove that your priveledged position does serve to increase and not decrease in worth. So far, you have failed us as a nation.
Nobody knows who the 200 Malay NGOs are. And please la, dun call yourself NGOs and defame the real NGOs. At most, Pertubuhan Peladangs and even Associations of Writers ( GAPENA) are just associations who have their own interests. To call yourself NGOs is a fallacy.
How did this happen?
After Namewee's sensational grace de cuppa, here is a story about 2 close friends who were born in the same day and died in the same day. Yet, the most puzzling part is that both of them died colliding with each other --- heads on.... on their motorcycle.
About Me
- amoker
- Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- I am mysterious ... and leave la some comments if my writting make sense. Proud Of Malaysia and disillusioned by the direction.